Monday, March 24, 2008

Family News From Star, Idaho

Good morning, one and all. It's Monday, March 24th and it's time for "Show and Tell!" So, here we go:

Elizabeth Warner
Born: Friday, March 21, 2008
St. Luke Hospital, Boise, Idaho
19 3/4 inches and 7 lbs. 2 oz.
Warner Children Left-to-Right
Anna (3 yrs.), Seth (9 yrs.), Aubry (11 yrs.), & Luke (6 yrs.)
Elizabeth (4 days)

The Warner Family

The Warner children with Grandpa Roger and Grandma GG

We had a lovely Easter Sunday. We went to Sacrament Meeting at the Star 2nd Ward at 9:00 a.m. After it ended, Aaron left to go to the hospital in Boise to bring Michelle and baby Elizabeth home. The family attended the rest of the meetings and then went back home. Aaron, Michelle, and Elizabeth came home not too long thereafter. Gloria had prepared a delicious meal of roast turkey, mashed potatoes and brown gravy, broccoli, orange jellow in cottage cheese, home made dinner rolls, and a tossed green salad. It was a lot like Thanksgiving Day. In deed, it was a day of thanksgiving. Elizabeth is a beautiful baby and she has beautiful dark hair, just what Michelle wanted. Contratulations to the Warners!

Melanie, you're next!

Love, Roger and Gloria

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Chocolate is fine but there has to be nuts, too.

Chocolate chip cookies are really good. But, chopped walnuts or pecans added make them super good. Gloria has made two batches of chocolate chippers lately. However, to meet everyone's taste, she included nuts in only half of them. That way, she is "bipartisan."

Friday, March 7, 2008

Is there such a thing as too much chocolate?

Sure wish I had some of that chocolate right now! Enjoy Randy!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Things Are Back to Normal -- Sorta

Well, I'm settled down a little today. I don't know what got into me when I commented on Mel's first post. Something just came over me and I went a little bit overboard. Sorry. Anyway, I'm glad to hear from my little Polish gal.
We changed from Dish Network to DirecTv yesterday. They had a special promotion going on so I decided the change over. We'll save about $10 a month for the first year. Then we'll have one more year at regular price. We upgraded to a DVR receiver so now we can record programs that we want to save. Plus, we will now be able to pick up the MTN channel that broadcasts sports for the Mountain West Conference, which includes BYU. For the last two years, Comcast was the only licensed provider. However, Comcast only covers the Wasatch Front area. The rest of the state had to rely only on CSTV or Versus who only showed BYU now and then. We'll have to wait until later this summer before programming on DirecTv actually starts, but they've promised to be up and going by September 1st. One unfortunate thing about the change is that we will no longer be able to pick up the Hallmark Movie Channel. We will get the regular Hallmark Channel, but not the movie channel. Boo, Hoo! We really enjoy that station. In addition, after three months we won't be able to pick up the Encore channels that show full-length, uninterrupted movies. If we want to keep them, we'll have to pay extra. Bummer! Oh well, we'll at least be able to continue getting Bill O'Reily and Shaun Hannity.
Did everyone get the announcement about the Taylor Reunion on July 12th? If not, let us know and we'll email you a copy. Gloria is getting excited about going to Idaho soon. If it didn't involve so much in actually getting there and then returning, I'd look forward to it with more enthusiasm myself. But I am looking forward to seeing the Warner Clan again also. It's been a looong, looong time.
Well, it's time to sign off so it's "Adios, muchachos!!" Love, We'ns