Saturday, August 9, 2008

Anna turns four

Anna commented that she couldn't be four because her feet were still small!

Anna's Castle cake that she has been wanting for awhile!

3 what say ye?:

Mary Mills said...

Happy Birthday dear Anna. Happy Birthday to you!
We love your birthday cake. Your mom is the best!
I love the pictures in Portland. What a fun trip!

Macy Perrone said...

boy look at that loot! she made out like a bandit! way to go Anna Bananna--Hannah Montana...(I can't remember the rest)


Malmstrom Clan said...

All of the pictures make me homesick for all you wonderful kids. Aubry, you look great. Happy 4th Anna, yucky poo, Luke (ha), look out Seth, that dinosaur is licking his chops at you. Lizzie's laugh is so cute. What a fun brother, Seth for getting her to giggle. Aaron and Michelle you guys are sure blessed to have such wonderful children. Love, Mellie