Thursday, December 11, 2008

It's the Night of the Snow Y'all!!

so yesterday it was a bit cold...ok freezing! before i left the house i grabbed my white puffy coat (which allie lovingly calls my circa 1980 coat) thinking i probably would not need it. well, as it turned out, i was doing fittings in a not so heated facility and didn't remove the thing all day. i was listening to the radio and reports kept coming in about white stuff falling from the sky on the north side of town (Tomball, The Woodlands, etc.) THEN someone called from SPRING with similar info. Could it be....SNOW? yes indeed it could... and it was.

houstonians freakin out
white puffy coat
cold nose
2hr drive home
crabby girl
toasty feet
snugly warm
oh and as i snuggled by the fire i watched High School Musical 2. not a bad the end

0 what say ye?: